
Showing posts from May, 2010

The Second King - Chapter 2: The Tempest

copyright ©2010 Mitchell Malloy ( ) (Continued from Chapter 1: Duty ) Obed brought his chariot to a stop as Jehu ordered the army to a halt. The thunder of the chariots disappeared into an eerie silence, interrupted by the occasional cough of a dust-stricken soldier or the snort of a weary horse. With the exception of these intermittent sounds, the only noise Obed could hear was the whisper of wind in his ears. His brother was positioned slightly behind Jehu, and from his position to the right of Ginath, Obed had a clear view of the two approaching chariots. King Joram of the Northern country was accompanied by his nephew, King Ahaziah of the Southern kingdom. Obed knew them both well. As the two royal chariots continued to approach the army, Obed allowed himself to drift into thought. He realized they had come to stop in the Royal Vineyard, purchased by Joram's father from Naboth the Jezreelite shortly after he “enlisted” in the Royal Guar

The Second King - Chapter 1: Duty

copyright ©2010 Mitchell Malloy ( ) From a distance, the grumble intensified like a growing thunder clap that refused to end. And as the low-lying dust cloud approached, small flashes resembling lightning bursts reflected off the armor of the approaching army. Hooves beat the ground with the ferocity of a thunderstorm, leaving the soil pocked and up-rooted. The raucous sound was accompanied by the clack and chatter of chariot wheels, the clinking of armor and the occasional grunt of a warrior as they stoically rode the thunderous wave of invading chariots. No word was spoken. No word would suffice. This mission would bring to conclusion the soldiers' frustrations... one way or another. Growing thunder. Foreboding lightning. The storm was coming, and it seemed long overdue. The driver of the lead chariot stole quick glances at his passenger, trying to glean some understanding of the thoughts that consumed his general. His leader's eyes were

His Mouth

I believe the gifts of the Spirit continue to manifest in Christ’s Body today and that every believer can become more sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit. I believe that He often gives us visions, dreams, and soft, gentle thoughts that come from seemingly nowhere as present-day revelations both of what He is doing as well as what He is about to do. I believe that many times, His people receive “revelation”, but they never take the time to press in for the FULL revelation. So when I receive a revelation, I believe He wants me to ask Him about it’s meaning. We also make the mistake of assuming the “interpretation” without spending time with Him to let Him interpret the FULL meaning. And often we assume the “application” of the revelation. So there are three points of failure in prophetic ministry: revelation, interpretation, and application. In fact, there are 4 points of failure if you add “timidity” as a factor. I was praying for someone at a men’s retreat when the Lord gave me

Partial Commitment (Part 2)

So back to partial commitment: it’s a killer in marriage , and it’s a killer in our relationship with God. Scripture compares our relationship with God to a marriage… a troubled marriage, where each of us plays the role of the guilty party. But it takes on a new dimension in our relationship with God, Who is not only the Lover of our soul, but also the faithful and rightful Authority over our lives. As Lover, He desires our full commitment. As Authority, He demands it. As Lover, He is always faithful, forgiving and patient. As Authority, He continues to work on us, refining us into the marriage partner that He deserves. God’s Role of Lover and Authority binds obedience and love together. Jesus told His disciples, that the one that loves Him is the one that obeys Him, and Christ commits to revealing Himself more to the person who faithfully obeys (see John 14:21 ). The Lover desires and the Authority demands a heart that is wholly devoted to Him. He deserves better, especially when you