
Showing posts from May, 2014

The Invitation

An extremely wealthy man of great esteem was throwing the most spectacular party this world has ever seen. He sent invitations to all of his friends, noting that the invitation card would need to be presented at the entry gate to his estate. A man showed up to this extravaganza without the invitation and was turned away. Indignant, he hurled obscenities at the servants and asked that they pass on his sentiments to the wealthy man for having such stringent rules. However, those that presented the invitation were allowed entrance and praised the wealthy man’s generosity. Did the man turned away at the gate have a right to enter the estate or was it within the wealthy man’s right to accept only those who presented his invitation? Of course, the wealthy man had no obligation to provide open access to just anyone and everyone. So why was the indignant man so embittered? Apparently, he felt entitled to be at the party despite the fact that he disrespected the wealthy man’s terms for en

Values - Priorities in Relationships

Thinking about the Kingdom values we are called to represent, I’ve come to the conclusion that nothing is more important than relationship. God wants a relationship with each of us, desiring a close, on-going walk with us. Only He can fill me to overflowing with His Love (24x7x365!) while at the same time filling countless others... never taking His eyes off each of us... showing the same intense passion for all His children. It’s His desire for each of us to reflect that same love to others, especially other believers (John 15:12), but to non-believers as well… don’t forget the great commission to make disciples and preach the Good News of His love and salvation to all peoples, tribes and nations! This world has so many needs, and while we’re each called to minister to the needs of others, no one can do everything. It’s true: I can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me (Phil 4:13), and I can learn to be all things to all people (1 Cor 9:22), but we can only understand

Dirge of the Beloved

I’ll not rejoice when Ishobeth’s beheaded      I will mourn his great loss and his betrayal Though his father pursued and tormented me      I will remember his brother as my friend Though his hand held claim to my inheritance      His sister was my first beautiful betrothed His scepter is my burden not my birthright      And his family I will shelter and protect I’ll mourn the loss of Ishobeth my brother      And portray the heart of God as I protect I will not rejoice when Ishobeth is dead copyright ©2014 Mitchell Malloy ( )