Symptoms of the Disease

There's a disease that has been eating away at the Body of Christ like an aggressive cancer. It's subtle and seems to spring up from out of nowhere. Any part of the Body is susceptible to this disease, and although it's relatively easy to notice it in other parts of the Body, it's really hard to diagnose when you're close to it. It's called "RELIGION".

It doesn't matter what Christian tradition you come from... it's always there. Sure, we can point the finger at others and say: "Those poor ______ believers are so caught up in _______ that they're missing out on God's fullness for them." But the reality is that we're all missing out. Even non-traditional denominations can catch the disease. No one is immune.

Fortunately, there are some symptoms that can help you diagnose yourself:
  1. Control. Do you find yourself trying to control others?
  2. Conformity. Do you find youself trying to get others to conform to your way, style or opinions?
  3. Complexity / Confusion. Christ had a really simple message, which He refused to clutter with theological complexity. K.I.S.S. = Keep  It Simple, Silly!
  4. Construction. Are you playing the part of Martha, wanting others to get involved in your ministry tasks in order to build something... Jesus told Martha that Mary did the better thing in just spending time with Him.
  5. Criticism / Condemnation. Jesus reserved His harsh words for the religious authority of His day, but He showed loving grace to even the m0st sinful... no matter how many times they'd been married or if they were in a sinful lifestyle.
  6. Comfortable. The Way Jesus told us about was far from comfortable... it was (and remains) an exciting ride!
  7. Completion. Religion always offers a false promise of completion: "Do ________ to be righteous"; "If you only do these 10 things, you've punched the ticket you need to in order to reach heaven"; "You will stop sinning if you just ______"; etc. Jesus on the other hand says: "Let go of the things of this world and just spend time with Me." It's always been a process and not a destination. The early Church understood this, which is why they were referred to as "Followers of the Way".
  8. Corporatism. Are you operating more like a corporation than a family?
    (HINT: A corporation has program directors who direct activities and behavior, but a family has parents who discern and disciple the hearts of their children.)
These are the symptoms. Jesus is still the Great Physician. May the Lord heal His Body, including each of us, It's members.

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