Ash Wednesday - A Day for Repentance

I was raised Roman Catholic, which for me was a good experience. Although I'd now categorize myself as a "charismatic evangelical with an appreciation for the liturgy and reformed theology" (or as a friend of mine puts it: "PresboEpiscomatic"), I gained a lot from the denomination of my parents. One of the things I enjoyed about my Catholic upbringing was the liturgical calendar... a structure to the year that reminded me both of my God and my need for Him. One of the seasons in the liturgical year is Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday (today!). It is a forty day period before Easter, during which believers are encouraged to change habits of thought and behavior as they draw close to God through fasting and prayer – specifically in repentance.

I personally plan to spend this season in repentance:
  • I repent of the duality in my heart and mind that has not been fully focused on Christ and His Ways.
  • I repent of my judgmental nature, which reflects the personality of man's Accuser rather than my Redeemer.
  • I repent of my unwillingness to go through suffering for His sake.
  • I repent of my desire to see MY will done first and God's second.
  • I repent of poor time management, where I have spent more time building up religious organizations than ministering to people.
  • I repent of my misplaced priorities, where I have chosen to find pleasure in things other than God (e.g. - TV, books, etc.) or where I have chosen my pleasure over relationships with others.
  • I repent in intercession for the Church, which has loved with agenda rather than fostering an agenda to love.
  • I repent that I have complained to God about the burdens of life rather than asking Him to give me more Wisdom, Strength and Courage.
I encourage everyone to take these 40 days of Lent as a training period to change our habits of thought and behavior, aligning them more closely with God's good and perfect will.

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