Prophecy for America

This morning I awoke with a word of knowledge: “God will surely judge the nation that turns from Him and His ways.”

Over the past week I have felt the distinct impression that abortion is a key measure in this upcoming election – the fact that it is mentioned so little is an indication of how far our heart as a nation has turned from God. And words resonate that the only thing evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing. So here is what the Lord God says to America:

I have tolerated your wandering heart for a generation and waited for you to return to Me. But as a Father disciplines His son, so now I am about to discipline you. How I wish you would discipline yourself! But the blood of innocents cry for justice, and I can not hold back My Hand from their defense. It is enough to know that you have wandered so far from Me, but their voice gives fuel to My fire! Only a little while remains, and you will see My judgment upon this land and My cleansing of your nation. I will send pestilence and destruction; famine and sorrow. The wicked will die with the righteous. “But why will You allow the good to perish?” you may ask. I will tell you: “Because you stood by silently while the wickedness around you increased. You failed to sound the alarm when the Enemy approached and so condemned your people to destruction. You failed to care for your brother when you had the chance. And so you shall share in their desolation.” But turn back to Me and My ways, and I will restore you to even greater glory than you have seen! Even in the midst of destruction, I will send redemption and bring you back to Me! Son of man, you are a watchman on a watch tower... but sound the alarm and know My protection.

Further thoughts I have on this word:
  • This word came to me on the anniversary of my father's death and the coincident birthday of my son. This is the death of one age and the birth of another.
  • Other words and events over this past week have led me to believe this message is for the Body of Christ in America, and that “plague” is one of the consequences for our continued, willful disobedience.
  • There are three weeks until the election, and how we vote will play a part in the timing and severity of God's discipline.
  • This is a message for believers – for those who profess to know the Lord Almighty – and it is a call for repentance as demonstrated in action.
  • Our God is a God of grace; He is quick to show mercy and slow to anger.
  • Please feel free to distribute this as you feel led by the Spirit.

This originally filed and posted on

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