The Joyful Christmas Program

I was reading a book on marriage discussing the concept of making your own happiness. The author wrote that the human mind is like a computer that regularly receives programming: positive talk reinforces a positive outlook while negative talk promotes a negative outlook. The author continued to identify “self-talk” as the thoughts we allow ourselves to think repeatedly that have the same impact on our perspective.

Now, I believe that happiness flows from our response to circumstances, which in turn comes from our ability to find joy, and according to Scripture, joy is a fruit of the spirit. So spending time with God allows the fruit of joy to fill us… but we need to agree with the truth He reveals to us for the fruit to grow. Our thoughts need to be conformed first to His way of thinking (1 Cor 10:5, Phil 4:8). I’m not always good at putting this into practice, but I’ve resolved to program my way of thinking so I can respond with joy and happiness to the circumstances of the day.

In turn, I’d like to encourage everyone to enter this Christmas season with a sense of expectancy because God is moving. He knows about the circumstances of this present time; He cares about it because He cares for each of us; and He has the power to bring about a great and glorious good that surpasses anything we’d come up with. In a sense, it’s a new Christmas program: not a preset expectation of what our individual traditions “should be”, but a positive outlook that God is involved in this season… for us and through us… to advance His kingdom in our lives and through our lives by the renewing of our minds.

From the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled;
with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied.

The tongue has the power of life and death,
and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Proverbs 18:20-21 (New International Version, ©2010)

So may the peace and joy of Christ the King rule in our hearts and minds, to glory of His Name and the advancement of His kingdom in this world! “God bless us, everyone!”

Merry Christmas!

copyright ©2010 Mitchell Malloy (

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