Planting a Church... NOT!

I'm taking a little time today to reflect where the Lord may be leading me. As part of that, I go back through the past year and major milestones in my life, and in doing this self-examination, I took at look at a web site I had put up for Planting a Church, and decided that I needed to do something with it.

Option 1:
Take the site down, destroying all evidence. Makes perfect sense. No reason to keep that embarassment up on the web.

Option 2:
Archive the site. Maybe there's something worth keeping or reusing in some way. Yeah, that would work.

Option 3:
Update the site. Seriously??? With what?!?

So, yeah, I chose Option 3. It seemed like the right thing to do... not for my self-esteem or personal edification, but as part of being faithful to what I believe is the prompting of the Holy Spirit... lucky me. As I was typing changes, I saw someone who goes to the church we used to attend. She said that she knows we don't go there anymore and would like to know what's going on in our lives, so I take that as confimation that maybe there's a reason why I'm doing this... beyond the awkward uncomfortableness of following God's leading when it just doesn't makes sense at the time. (sigh)

I haven't done much updating to the site. For the most part, I've just updated the "Planting a Church" status to explain why it's really Planting a Church... NOT!.

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