Signs in the End Times Church (Part 5)

Part 5 – Closing Thoughts
Continued from Parts 1-4

After publishing Part 1 on my blog and while in the process of editing subsequent parts, I was having a quiet time that resulted in dreams and visions the morning of 26 June, 2012. Some of it is quite personal, but it’s something I believe I’m supposed to share:
In my prayer time, I fell asleep and dreamt of annoying, mischievous demons displayed on the pages of what looked like a children’s book, much like alphabet pictures. Then the page turned and I saw letters – bold, black, gothic, and ragged letters – covering both open pages of the book. Then I saw Satan coming out of the letters, and I awoke hearing the words: “Hell hath no fury like Satan scorned.” I started to write all this down in my journal when I stopped to ask Jesus what this means, and I had a vision, like the world had gone grey – like a black and white movie – and I saw a metal door built into stone that was like a vault or leading into a cave. Then the door rapidly froze, visibly moving from the contraction of the metal, and I felt the extreme cold, hearing the word: “frigid”. And it was if the metal door was frozen even more tightly shut because of the cold. So I asked Jesus what all this meant, and I heard a voice that I believed to be Him saying it was the door to my soul, frozen cold. So I asked again what this meant and I saw many other things that caused me to believe my close relationships, including my family, was in danger of disappearing. So I asked Jesus to melt the door to my soul, and I saw it melt and evaporate. So I asked again about the pages in my dream. Then I fell asleep again, dreaming that I was talking to a man in a locker room. He was like a coach and he was showing me pages that were like plays in a playbook. I asked him why I hadn’t seen these before, and he said that I wasn’t on the distribution list. So I asked him why not, and he simply replied that I was on the list now. Upon waking, I understood that the pages I saw of mischievous demons were the demonic activity that has been allowed to play with man up to this point, but a page is being turned where all that will seem as child’s play compared to the horror of Satan that is being released upon the world. And I also understand from Revelation 12:17: “Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring —those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.”

So being completely transparent, I believe I have a homework assignment: while Jesus has already melted the door, I believe He’s calling me join Him in the “unfreezing” process. Looking forward to where that leads… I hope it’s not too painful!

Next: "Scriptural Perspective on Spiritual Gifts"
copyright ©2012 Mitchell Malloy (

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