Blood Moon Prophecy

There has been a lot of speculation around the Blood Moon Prophecy. Do a search and you’ll find many references, including some free videos to stream off the internet. One of my kids was very concerned, having stumbled across the Blood Moon discussion and thinking that the world would come to an end somewhere around Monday September 28, 2015. Well, I’m writing to give you my thoughts on the subject. Pure and simple: I don’t know. In fact, no one knows but God. But there are somethings I do know related to this.

First, I know that the world will not end on Monday. Biblical scholars who take stock in the Blood Moon Prophecy would agree on this because Jesus said that no man knows the DAY or the hour. Only the Father knows when the world will end or when the Tribulation will come. We also know that certain things need to occur. For example, the man of lawlessness will be revealed before the world ends. 

However, we are given signs so that we’re not surprised, and there are many signs that say a storm is about to begin. It doesn’t take a prophecy or in-depth knowledge of Scripture to see that persecution is growing. Religious persecution occurs when we silence the voice of a religious group, in extreme cases with death. There are work place pressures, including newsworthy events such as Hobby Lobby, Chik-Fil-A, and the firing (officially resignation) of Mozilla’s CEO Brendan Eich. We also see where Tim Tebow was marginalized and ultimately let go from the Eagles’ roster. Public proclamation of one’s faith is frowned upon in our culture. We have laws that require people to participate in same-sex marriage ceremonies irrespective of biblically-based beliefs. Make no mistake, persecution is growing.

I believe there will be ebbs and flows of this sort, and history will support me on this. However, the thing that really concerns me is this:
“And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” (Matt 24:12)
The word “lawlessness” can also be translated as “rebelliousness” or “wickedness”. This is growing on an international level. It is a rebellion against the laws of the Kingdom, setting up an image of mankind on the cusp of humanistic deification. In other words, mankind has become the pantheon of our global culture’s religion. Set in opposition to the reign of God in our lives, the secular man haughtily sets himself up as the final authority of right and wrong. The more powerful demi-gods in this pantheon twist truth as necessary to promote their agenda, establishing alliances with others so long as they are useful for self-promotion. Truth and love fall by the wayside as power, pleasure and status feed the increasingly hungry hordes of would-be kings. Sadly, this is as prevalent in “christian” organizations as in secular entities.

God will not let this go on indefinitely, and although He is quick to forgive and restore… even though He is patient and long-suffering… judgement will come. If we repent (a.k.a. – turn away from lawlessness and return to Him in truth and love), then His mercy and grace will freely flow on our lives and our nation. But if we don’t? Well, there IS a Blood Moon / Super Moon on Monday. Don’t say you weren’t given a sign of where things are going…

Copyright © 2015 – Mitchell Malloy (

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