We Be Fools

When I went to college, I had never heard the term “frenemy”, but it definitely described people in a group I joined as a Freshman. It wasn’t exactly a fraternity, but it was a co-ed club where first year members went through a hazing period. After the first year, I had no desire to treat others the way I had been treated, and not having close ties to my acquaintances in that group, I found other interests and mostly kept a distance during my second and third year. A young man joined the group my second year (we’ll call him “Guy”), and I would often hear about his flaws whenever I attended the club events. From what little I knew about him, the criticism seemed legitimate, and so I mentally grouped him with the everyone else, keeping a healthy distance and judgmental attitude. As I entered my senior year, the leadership over that group asked for my help. The hazing had become abusive, with several of my Freshmen peers being the greatest perpetrators. The abuse had become so severe, the leadership were thinking of disbanding the group, and I became more active to try and salvage the reason why the group was formed. Guy was also asked to help, and in a few short weeks I discovered that Guy was actually a really good guy! We became friends and remain so today. 

I also discovered that he had kept his distance from me for the same reason I’d kept my distance. Our mutual acquaintances were very adept at pointing out our flaws and expounding upon negative perceptions. The truth is that everyone except God has flaws. We can focus on the chinks in their armor and start to despise them, vilify them and consequently ridicule them. Every strength can become a weakness, so it’s easy to exaggerate characteristics, pronounce judgements and repeatedly hammer away until others start to echo destructive words. Words when repeated enough start to form as “fact” in the mind of the listener, who subconsciously looks for ways to support their perception. We see it in corporate power-struggles and electoral politics. We saw it in the antisemitism of Pre-World War 2 Germany, and we see it in the depiction of Bible-believing Christians today. 

I don’t believe anyone would be surprised to know we have stark political division in America, and I hear that the political divide is equally pronounced in many other countries. I believe we’re being played as fools, creating an ever widening chasm between people who could otherwise come together and accomplish great things. E Pluribus Unum is the Latin motto for our country. It means that we have come from many and become one, but modern America is splintering, going in the opposite direction. 

I value truth, and it is truly reprehensible to me whenever I hear a lie. But there are others who can’t understand where I’m coming from. Remember Pontius Pilot when Jesus used the word “truth”? He responded with “What is truth?”. For some people, the concept of truth is irrelevant. They are all about agenda. Now everyone has agendas, and the pursuit of a worthy goal is a good thing. But agenda without truth leads away from the greater good; it is wickedness. It is in opposition to what is true and right. It is like the difference between righteousness and self-righteousness, one based in goodness and truth, the other founded on selfishness. Alliances are made to drive agendas, strengthen power, and edge out anyone that is seen as a threat who isn’t onboard. 

Their walk does not match their talk. They decry others in power to grow and solidify their own position. We have seen it in every Communist Revolution: mobilize the proletariat against the bourgeoise, take from the privileged class and redistribute the wealth… ultimately delivering that wealth into the hands of the revolution leaders! They convince people that religion is the opiate of the masses and declare that God is dead! Truth is not important; it is all about agenda, where the one most successful in advancing their agenda ascends to power. 

Crony capitalism is no better, and the financial elitists are growing their power through other means, and while each directs our attention to the other as the enemy, they collectively move toward a one-world collective alliance. They are godless globalists who arrogantly believe they are mankind’s hope for survival. After all, when the world has only one government and no religion, they will eradicate the evils of war, right? 

It is the epitome of lawlessness, rebellion against God, and an arrogant pronouncement of human-deity.  It is the new tower of Babel where the real war is a power-struggle of hell on earth. Ultimately, one person will come out on top, and when that happens who will be able to oppose him? Like the blood purges of Stalin, or the dynamic destruction of Hitler’s Third Reich, people will realize too late who their real enemy is, and the tragedy of global victory will be the end of checks and balances, where historically nations have allied themselves against a great evil. 

Yes, as terrible as war is, as terrible as any violent action can be, it is sometimes the last option to oppose a greater evil. People are not basically good, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Even if you do not believe in God and what the Bible says, you should be able to see where we are heading. The advances in weaponry, informatics, and communications are leading toward a global empire, complete with a global emperor. 

This can be truly scary for those of us not in the position to secure a power base fast enough. After all, in a world with limited resources that are rapidly being depleted by a planet with too many people, the upper echelons of humanity will find a way to reduce the overall population, right? I imagine the ones that are taken out first will either be the least talented or the most talented, who pose the greatest threat to those in power. 

Yes, it would be truly scary if we didn’t already know how this story ends: God wins! However it ultimately plays out, Yahweh told us about the growth of lawlessness, where everyone does that is right in their own eyes. He told us that one man would rise to power and stand in opposition to God and His ways. He told us that Jesus would return for His Bride, the Church. He told us that in this world we would have troubles but to take heart because He has overcome the world! 

Yes, God wins. His Kingdom prevails, and He even gave us a clear sign: Israel became a nation again after a couple thousand years. The Jewish people, God’s Chosen People, retained a common culture despite the long years of exile, and once again Israel became a nation so that the remaining prophecies of Scripture will materialize. The temple is about to be rebuilt, and the Man of Lawlessness, the Antichrist, the one world leader prophesied in Scripture will do that abominable act in the temple. This is what Scripture refers to as the Abomination of Desolation.

I believe a likely scenario is that he will declare the deity of man. More likely it will be a self-professed deity, and possibly through the advancements in AI and cybernetics, he may announce the evolution and synthesis of man with his technological creation to not just build a tower of Babel, but to become the very essence of that tower. 

Yes, we be fools, the fools who have helped build this new tower through our complicit bickering and failure to learn and believe the truth of Scripture, accepting false gospels of prosperity, altruism and social justice. We be fools who refused to be the blessed peace-makers and accepted agenda-driven identity politics.

But let me give you one more sign that Christ’s return is near as prophesied in Scripture: the very ridicule this blog post will receive, because we know that scoffers will mock any mention of Christ’s return. No, I’m not declaring a day or an hour, but I can tell by signs in the atmosphere when it is about to rain, and I can see that so much is lining up for what He told us would happen thousands of years ago. I can’t tell you when the first raindrops will hit, and I haven’t heard thunder yet, but storm clouds appear to be approaching. With God’s help, I will weather the storm. Will you?

copyright ©2019 Mitchell Malloy (http://mitchellmalloyblogspot.com/)

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