National Day of Prayer 2021

The need for a national day of prayer has never been greater than today. This country has forgotten its foundation as a Christian nation and fallen into division. The enemies of this nation have embedded themselves in the power structures of government, education, media, big tech, and big business. A great economic reset is being planned for the world. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Pandemic 2.0 comes along because fearful people are easily controlled. 

But our God is in control and nothing happens that He does not allow. He tells us to draw close to Him, and He will draw close to us. He promises to work everything for good. He reminds us that while this world is not our home, to live in the present as ambassadors of His Kingdom with an eye on our eternal home, as salt and light in this world. And in Psalm 37, He tells us to surrender to His will, waiting patiently, without being preoccupied by the apparent success of evil doers. 

Finally, we lean upon Him and His grace to do that which we can’t do on our own. So simple Yahweh’s request from the beginning: obey and He will bless His people. Yet we have strayed... again and again and again. A simple promise is found in 2 Chronicles to Israel. The name Israel means “struggles with God”, and like Israel, this nation dedicated to God at its foundation has struggled with obedience. The internal struggle is now a call to open defiance fighting with the call to return to God. Which will you answer? Will you turn to the God of our fathers or succumb to the rebellion in this world?

So pray. Pray that God will be merciful and work in His people so that we can obey His good and perfect will. Let this nation find the healing it desperately needs!

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