Palm Sunday 2023

What do you think about when you consider Palm Sunday? Is it Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, or is it the knowledge that many of these same people cheering for Him would be calling out for His crucifixion? Do you question how you would have responded to Him? Do you wonder how Jesus felt, knowing that He was entering the city to endure a legal, physical and spiritual trial, that these people who cheered for Him would also reject Him? 

I don’t have much to write other than this: I am not worthy. None of us are. I struggle to let go of life’s conveniences, but Jesus willingly gave His very life for fickle people like us. Was it the Romans that crucified Jesus? Was the Jews? Was it God the Father? It was each of us, who by each sin, both little and great, created a need for a perfect sacrifice. So out of love, God sent His Son, and out of love the Son endured the scourging and death that each of us deserves. If no one accepted this great gift, if it were just you or I that would be redeemed, Jesus would have still been sacrificed… for just one sin. 

So for this Holy Week, recall that you are the reason, your past and future transgressions, that created the need for both love and justice to prevail. Each beating, each whipping, each scornful comment, each nail, each step on the Via Dolorosa was endured because of you… because of me… because of us. 

Thank you, Jesus, for being a better man than me. 

Thank you for Your faithful obedience and great love!

Jesus is coming soon to gather His Bride, the Church. May we seek Him as if our very lives depend upon it - because they do. May we seek Him over every other good and convenient thing in our lives - because each good thing in this world will perish with this world, everything except the ones who will be caught up in the air with Him when he returns, those who have accepted Him and trust in Him alone for their salvation.

But I wonder, will we be like the people on that first Palm Sunday? Ready to be raptured, but not prepared to endure persecution should it come our way? Let’s pray that we’ll be ready. 

copyright ©2023 Mitchell Malloy ( 

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