Obey and Expect

One of the great things about being available to others is that you get to hear how God is speaking to them... and in the process He can speak to you. For example: earlier this week, as I was praying for a friend, this person told me that God has really been emphasizing two things: "Obey and Expect". This hit me hard because, in truth, I was finding it hard to "expect" God's goodness. And as a fall-out of that, I was finding it hard to "obey".

When I truly believe in all of God's goodness, His power and plans for me, then obedience is easy. But when I doubt that He is really in control or that He really has my best interests at heart, we're all more likely to take things into our own hands or try to hide in our addiction of choice (translation: "not obey").

My prayer for you, and my prayer request for you, is that we can all more fully EXPECT God's goodness in our lives.

Blessings, Peace and HOPE!

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