Renewal, Revival, and 24x7 Prayer - Part 3

Everyone is invited to take part in 24x7 prayer during the Lenten season. The Indy Vineyard ( is hosting this opportunity to bask in God's Presence. Having participated in this several different times in the past, I encourage everyone to consider it. There is something wonderful that happens to a place as it is bathed in prayer day and night for an extended period, and you will enter into His Presence more readily.

This event is not exclusively for members of the Vineyard church, and it is the hope of it's sponsors that other churches will come and taste of this opportunity, hopefully catching the fire!

Here's my question: "Wouldn't it be wonderful if other churches caught the passion of praying 24x7 and our area would be continually bathed in prayer?"

Watch and see the whirlwind of release that God will do over the Lenten season in this area. Have things been falling apart recently? They will soon be restored.

Please pray that the modern day church of Ephesus (Ref Rev 2) will return to her First Love!

Peace and Joy in Christ the Risen and Returning King!

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