Renewal, Revival, and 24x7 Prayer - Part 2

Will you answer the call?

The scriptures say "pray always". This is seemingly impossible if we think of prayer in a traditional sense. But consider Enoch and Elijah who "walked with God" and were taken up with Him to be hidden from this world without dying... prayer is a walk with God!

Have you considered the great insult of choosing some short-term pleasure over the most wonderful Being in the universe? We are called to embrace Him! While the Body of Christ has many members, each with different specific callings and abilities, we all are called to pray. And as we pray, we are changed, becoming more like Him.

This Saturday, just south of Indy in our sister city of "Cincy", there is a gathering of those who desire REVIVAL. The event is a "fast not a festival". Consider answering the call to change the world as we are ourselves changed. Registration is free but required to attend:

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