Love and Lust in FHL's year of Love

Both Hebrew and Greek have several words that can be translated into our one word "Love". C.S. Lewis wrote a lengthy discourse on "The Four Loves".

Our use of a single word has our culture to confuse two loves. One of those loves, is the love that Our Father in heaven shows us. It is the "desire to give". It is the love that we can only understand because he "first loved us" (1 John 4:19).

The other "love" is really no love at all. It is the love that the world understands. It is a "desire to get" and is more accurately translated as "lust". Lust will give only if there is a return on the investment. It seeks to promote itself, and like a cancer cell replicates beyond it's boundaries. It says: "Why should I do this for ______? What has _____ done for me?" It asks the question: "What's in it for me or my organization?"

But God's economy works entirely differently.

Lord open our eyes to your economy of love. Teach us how to love in this year of Love. Let Your Love flow into us continually that we can pour Love out into the live of others for the glory of Your Kingdom and the building up of your people.

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