Planting a Church

We are in the process of planting a Vineyard church in the Fort Ben area of Indianapolis. As the details become clearer, the site will be updated; however, this much is clear: God is definitely the One coordinating the details! As I had prayed about this decision, not wanting to move forward until I heard the Lord's direction, the conversation went something similar to this:

me: So where do You want me to plant a church? Do You want me to plant a church?

God: The harvest is great but the laborers are few.

me: So where do You want me to plant a church?

God: It doesn't matter. Just take Me with you.

me: How about the Fort Ben area? I love the way that it's a dividing ground between different demographics. (Note: yeah, I can talk like that... fortunately, God understands my vocabulary)

God: I will bless it! It is yours to take and I'll open the doors for you.

So with that, having heard the Still / Quiet Voice, I went home to be with my family. The next morning, I felt the Lord nudging me to spend more time with Him, and I started to go off to the Panera Bread by my house to share a bagel and cup of coffee with the Lord... okay, He let's me eat in front of Him, but we enjoy it together. Anyway, as I'm driving to Panera, the Lord suggests I go to the one on 56th Street in the Fort Ben area. I go with a sense of expectation, looking forward to more time with God, and as I walk back to my table with bagel and coffee in hand, a woman asks me if that's a Bible on the table, which led to a question about what church I attend, which led to a statement from the lady: "I've been praying for a Vineyard or Vineyard-like church in this area!"

Well, as you can probably tell by the above, I believe in a highly relational God, Who has the right to direct me however He desires, but I was floored by her statement. As her husband walked back to the table, we started talking, ate breakfast together and eventually prayed with and for each other. It was a divine appoint, and we all seemed to know it. God is good... all the time... and He continues to work all things together for good for us, His people.

More to come...

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