Revolutionary War!

When Jesus told us that the whole world was against us, the Greek word used in Scripture for "world" was cosmos. Now, cosmos is more than just the universe, it's the whole order of the universe. In other words, the way of the world. But we know from Scripture that Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. As counter-intuitive as it may seem to follow The Way, that is exactly what we're called to do.

It's both freeing and scarey to let go of all the things we've been told about taking control of our destiny and handing it all over to Him. He provides the resources and He controls the outcome. All we're responsible for is faithfulness in doing what He's called us to do. Freeing and scarey, huh? But it's only as we let go of the outcome, trusting in Him, regardless of what resources we think are available, that His power is truly demonstrated though us. When we are weak, His strength is revealed!

This means, the whole order of the universe, the moral code, business conduct, even best congregational practices, are suspect. While admittedly, all truth is God's truth, and best practices shouldn't be completely ignored, we need to walk by faith and not by sight. If all we see are the giants and not the Mighty God Who squashes giants, we can let the partial truth immobilize us. Satan knows that the most effective lie is a half truth.

So press in for the full truth, and like Paul I pray we follow the right example:

Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. "No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

-1 Corinthians 9:26-27 - NIV)

Is society dragging you in the opposite direction from where Jesus calls you? Then acknowledge that your life is part of a spiritual war between God and Satan, declare your side, and get on with it. Admit that you are better off 'fighting the good fight' and suffering on earth for the cause of Christ than winning the world but losing your soul for eternity.

Get used to the fact that your life is lived in the context of warfare. Every breath you take is an act of war. To survive and thrive in the midst of the spiritual battle in which you live, seek a faith context and experience that will enhance your capacity to be Christlike. This mission demands single-minded commitment and a disregard for the criticisms of those who lack the same dedication to the cause of Christ. You answer to only one Commander in Chief, and only you will give an explanation for your choices. Do whatever you have to do to prove that you fear God, you love Him, and you serve Him -- yes, that you live only for Him.

That is the commitment of a Revolutionary.
-"Revolution" by George Barna, p. 26-27
Originally published 11/17/06 and subsequently modified from

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