Cold Winter Days - Dark Night of the Soul

It's always so much harder for me to get going in the winter: it's cold and the bed seems so much more inviting; the days are shorter; and to make things worse during these shorter days, the sun often hides behind thick, gray clouds. This is especially true when the events of life keep pushing me to leaner and leaner margins. However, even when the cold spells of life sap the energy from my limbs, I force myself out of bed to face life's challenges. I remind myself that this is only temporary, and even though I don't know how long it will take, Spring will arrive.

Our spiritual walk has seasons like winter. One saint called it the "Dark Night of the Soul". The Son seems to hide from us and we wonder: Does He care about my situation? Why does He let certain things happen... is He somehow not powerful enough to change these events? Is He aware of what's happening? And again, does He care? Is He really the All-Powerful, All-Knowing, All-Loving God that He claims to be?

And the silent Voice seems to respond: "Do you trust Me?"

Can we trust Him to be more powerful than the forces around us? Is He truly in control of the Economy? Can He bring about victory for my friends... for my family... for me?

Yet in the midst of this cold and empty silence, the Enemy screams: "Your God can't help you! See! He's abandoned you!! He either can't help you or He just doesn't care!!! Curse your God and find comfort in something else!"

But with God's help (no matter how silent He may be), I refuse to crawl into some comfortable place where I can hide from the spiritual cold that threatens to destroy me. We all have that private sin that calls to us: lust, despair, gluttony, substance abuse, angry outbursts, etc. "Forget the cold through pleasure... Lash out at others, justifying it by your pain... withdraw from the fight and maybe the hardships will disappear."

"No!" My soul cries out, "I WILL NOT QUIT! I will serve God even when His face is hidden from me!"

So like Spring following Winter, I force myself to remember. I remember Who my God truly is! I remember how He has come through for me and for His people so consistently in the past. Even when I can't see Him, He sees me. Even when the cold spells of life sap energy from my limbs, and my will to continue falters, He promises restoration, strength and even joy. I don't know how long it will take, but I know my spiritual Spring will arrive. I will not be left to wander in perpetual winter. I can trust in His character even when the circumstances are oppressive and defeat seems imminent.

And I remember that my decision to believe, this faith that comes as a gift from Him, brings Him greater joy than all the praises of heaven. Since heaven’s eyes see God’s glory, the praises of those who see but dimly bring Him greater joy. And so I praise Him in the silent, cold darkness, knowing that He sees me and is pleased by every attempt I make, no matter how small or infrequent.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4:6-9

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