Loving God, loving others, cultivating the same

I believe only two things are truly important: Loving God and loving others. If I stop to consider the big picture, the very essence of reality, I have to acknowledge the existence of God and His fingerprints over all creation. So while not arguing Romans 1 from the theological perspective, or any of the various philosophical arguments for the existence of God, I know Him from a personal level as He speaks through the events of my life. And if in coming to the conclusion that He is real, I have to consider His desires, His promises, and His character as I make the decisions of my daily life.

What is important to God? Apparently, I am. People are. It blows my mind to think that He never takes His eyes off of me, not as some omnipotent accuser, but as a Father waiting for me to come home. He is a King, ruling with my best interests at heart. He is a Comforter, walking with me in every activity I will ever consider. He loves me so much that He sent His only Son to bring me news of His love, knowing that the world would mostly reject His message of peace and good will. So what’s important to God? His love relationship with me and with all those He made in His image… all for the purpose of having a love relationship!

As an object of His love, I’m prompted to love: I love Him in return; and I love those who are also the object of His desire. I love because He has shown me love. I extend grace in my relationships with others because He has modeled this extravagant love in His relationship with me; while I was in rebellion to His authority in my life, He extended love to me and gently prompted me to test and see that He is truly good! And when others are acting out of their own insecurities (with His help) I extend grace and mercy to them as an ambassador of His love, a messenger of this Gospel of peace and good will, so that maybe someone else will come to understand how great and how wide and how deep and how long His love is.

In the end, the only thing I can bring into eternity with me are relationships. I will one day see Him face to face, not as a reflection of His creation, and I will share this greatest pleasure with others who have also learned to find the most important things in life. This is what I value... everything else is temporary and will fade to dust.

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