Chaos at the Capital

Although the details are still not clear, what happened today at our nation’s capital was tragic, and it has both complected and further delayed closure to the 2020 presidential election. Our system has stalled and is in serious jeopardy of breaking down completely. We have been agitated by the endless name-calling, deceptive half-truths, and repetitive vilification of those with opposing viewpoints. Our leaders on both sides of the isle have not led well, and yet we have followed their example as a culturally-divided society. 

I look at the paragraph I just wrote and wonder if anything else needs to be said. With tensions high, it’s our weakness as humans to jump to conclusions, to look for a guilty party, and to bring them to swift justice. 

Many people are blaming the president for this tragedy. He is neither a saint nor the demon people make him out to be. I heard a news report that immediately following the protest, President Trump tweeted a video asking for protesters to peacefully disassemble, but that video is being blocked by Twitter. In response, he posted a shorter text. But people want a scapegoat.

We can include Big Tech and propaganda-like news coverage in our list of scapegoats. We can add all the elected officials, appointed judges and federal law enforcement officials who through either cowardice, incompetence or maliciousness failed to resolve any appearance of election impropriety before today. 

If looking for scapegoats, we might wonder why the police were at the perimeter of the crowd that surrounded the capital instead of pushing them back to a safe distance. At least that is what I seemed to notice on video as I wondered at the loose security for such a momentous day. 

Videos show the people who stormed the capital dressed as Trump supporters. It’s likely that they were deranged MAGA hat-wearers who were frustrated by the events that brought us to this historically infamous day. It’s equally likely that they were Antifa progressives dressed as Trump supporters who wanted to create an incident that both stopped the congressional dialog and interfered with the due process. 

We should ALL be angry that election integrity was compromised. We should ALL be angry that anyone should storm the capital. We should ALL be angry that loyalty to a party is more important than loyalty to our country. And we should together mourn the life that was lost today in the shooting. This is the emotion should unite us and not divide us.

Instead, we have been played, and we are being turned against each other. There are those actively trying to deconstruct this great nation, and while people have actively participated in this subversion, I believe the real enemy is not flesh and blood. Rather, it’s spiritual principalities and a great Deceiver that is at work… laughing at us. If looking for scapegoats, we should include ourselves for being so easily agitated and manipulated against our countrymen. We need to remember that if “they” are not against us, they are for us. They are our countrymen. 

We need to stop jumping to accusations and together seek the truth. The great majority of people in this country have good intentions and we are all operating with limited information. We need to understand that the news media is partial, and even well-intentioned reporting will include some cognitive bias. All reports should be reviewed with an analytical mind and seldom at face-value. 

So we need to draw near to God at this time like never before and ask Him how we should join Him in this battle, praying against the principalities who know their time is short. We need to hold on to what we know is true, remain uncompromised on the principles that founded this country such as Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion. We need to stand unmoved by the bullying tactics of those that oppose these principles, and most importantly we need to encourage others in the truth, even when they seem resistant to hearing it. Many of our countrymen have been deceived, or not yet learned to question authority while still respecting it.

copyright ©2021 Mitchell Malloy (

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