America in the End Times - Part 2

Continued from America in the End Times  - Part 1.

This is not a political post, so bear with me for a paragraph or two. 

A new administration has taken office and globalists have assumed executive power and essentially taken the House as well as the tie-breaking vote in the Senate. There is too much happening to describe it all, but the globalists are securing their power base in America… or so they think. I write this not as a reactionary far-right extremist but as a law-abiding citizen, naval veteran, and Bible-believing Christian. The media and far-left would paint me as the former, and some have even accused me being a Trump-lover. 

The truth is that I didn’t vote Trump into office, and I often cringed at some of his behavior. Yet the way mainstream media twisted his words and attacked him actually led me to look at his words and actions more closely to discover that his policies reflected my desire as a Christian. That didn’t make him a perfect president or a perfect person, but it did lead me to vote for him in 2020. 

I admit that some of his supporters have looked to him for more than what he is or should be, but our hope was never in Donald Trump nor in the U.S. Constitution. Yes, I believe that the Constitution is the finest legal document constructed by man. It prescribes a set of checks and balances to resist corruption that reflect a biblical acknowledgment of man’s depravity and supports a set of values that brought out the best in men. But my hope is not in the Constitution, it is in Jesus Christ alone. It is not in what we can do by the power of our own hands or by the constructs of our own minds. God has brought us to these dark times to see our deep need for Him and so His Word will be fulfilled in the End Times. 

The globalists have not secured America as they believe, they have simply been used by God in a similar way that the Assyrians and Babylonians were used to chastise Israel. This is a result of our own infidelity to God, the hypocrisy and idolatry in the Church, and allowing the Church to be influenced by the culture rather than influencing the culture. It has happened over the span of decades. As I pointed out in a previous post, America started its slow decline in 1962 when we removed God from schools, raising generations to submit to a secular god. The idol of secularism needs to be removed from our lives and our government for God’s blessings to return to this nation. 

We need to remove the idols from our land wherever they have been erected.

Yet our current government leads us in different direction. Rep. Emanual Cleaver opened this current Congress by invoking the names of many gods, yet all most people know is that this pastor turned congressman ended his prayer with “Amen and ‘awoman’”. His words and his prayer have brought God’s judgement upon this Congress, and I believe it will entail more than the events of January 6th. The actions of the current administration and Congress to remove religious liberties in this nation pronounce their own condemnation. God will protect His people in this nation and remove the poisoned branches. 

I believe that Isaiah 18 is God’s prophecy for America, and we are entering a time of trouble that He has predicted for us. Yet it comes with a promise of hope and restoration. Look at verses 4-6 and see what God has planned:

This is what the Lord says to me:

I will keep quiet and watch from my dwelling place.

My presence will be like scorching heat in the sunshine,

like heavy dew in the heat of the harvest.

Before the harvest, when blossoms are gone

and grapes are ripening from blossoms,

he will cut off the shoots with pruning shears

and chop off the spreading branches.

They will be left for the birds of prey on the mountains

and the wild animals.

The birds of prey will feed on them in the summer,

and all the wild animals on earth

will feed on them in the winter.

Yet immediately after this time of pruning, God describes how this nation will bring gifts to the Lord or Armies in Zion. This is a nation that is pruned and not destroyed, refined and remade into what we were always meant to be.

As the globalists prepare to celebrate their victory, it will be plucked away from them. That does not mean that we go without suffering in the interim, and we need to be prepared to endure hardship well, representing Him well, treating those who abuse us as Image Bearers. Yes, treating people with respect who disrespect us, speaking the truth in love with the hope that we can win over those who have set themselves against us because of the God we serve. We should be prepared to actively resist the evil of this present age without drawing upon the tactics of the enemy. We should be wise as serpents yet innocent as doves, drawing close to Christ for strength and direction. The weapons we fight with are not of this world, and we should imitate Christ Jesus and not Donald Trump as we seek to join God in the work He is currently doing in these last days. We don’t know who in our camp will defect before the end, and likewise we don’t know who will join us from the other side when Christ comes for His Bride.

I confess my own frustration with those who pervert Scripture to breed passivity, calling for unity where we must remain separate, peace by accepting ungodly practices. No, we must actively resist evil with both our words and our actions, practicing civil disobedience when the law of the land contradicts the Law of our Lord. Yet always, our behavior in person and on social media should not resort to the ways of this world; rather, it should reflect the Fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, and Self-Control. We will not be overcome by evil, but we will conquer evil with good (Romans 12:21), and we should be thankful that God has found us worthy for such at time as this.


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