Popular Blog Posts

Occasionally I look back to see what some popular blog posts have been and thought I'd share. 

Over the past 12 months, the top two are:
  1. What is Alpha? - A great, non-judgemental class to better understand Christianity
  2. If I Were an Atheist - Truthfully, I'd be pretty wicked
  3. Challenges of a Father - Reflecting Jesus as Father
And all-time most-read posts:
  1. What is a Soul? (and other related questions) - By far, the most popular post
  2. Two Sides of the Coin - Grace & Holiness
  3. End of the Age Handbook - Remain close to Him despite the pressures of this world
I sometimes wonder what these stats tell me about the spiritual hunger in the world. I believe many people have forgotten true Christianity and only have a pop-culture image of what it means to be "Christian". In all likelihood, they practicing secular humanists without really considering how our spirituality is the essence of who we are but longing for something more, wondering if it truly exists. 

Let me know your thoughts by sending an email to mitchell at malloyclan.com. 

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