WANTED: Family to spend Thanksgiving with - Will supply turkey.

As to the subject line... no, I'm not looking for a family to spend Thanksgiving with, but someone is. He or she may be rich materially but poor in real wealth.

The "cool" thing to do for us "Christians", is to help the poor once or twice a year so we can "introduce someone to Christ", and then go about our merry way. "Yes, Lord! Bless that person!", but let someone else love on them for the remaining days of the year. "Convict that person who has so much wealth, Lord!", but don't have me show them Agape love!

  • The poor will always be with you. Love on them without agenda!
  • Our affluent society is starving for real food. Feed Christ's sheep!
  • Can we sow seeds of Eros and expect trees of Agape to grow?

Be encouraged:
  • 2005 was a year of plenty, when seeds of faith were sown.
  • 2006 has been a year of suffering, where as Scripture says, our hope grown.
  • 2007 is a year of decision, where perfect love is bestowed!
If this message resonates in you, act on it... for our faith without works is quite dead!

And pray... so that our works do not become a substitute for our First Love!

Love, Joy, and Peace!

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