Worldwide Call to Prayer - Good Friday 2020

I’m going to suggest something, and if it makes sense to you, reach out to other believers and suggest the same, maybe posting a link to this blog on social media. I suggest that on Good Friday 10-APR-2020 everyone pray for one hour starting at noon local time wherever you may happen to be in the world. Pray for COVID-19 to disappear forever and for people around the world to recover from this blight. We can blanket our world in prayer for 24 hours as the noon day sun washes over our planet. I don’t know how God will answer our prayers, but He has done miraculous things in the past when His people prayed for deliverance. 

Take for example the North American Rocky Mountain Locust. In 1875, the largest locust swarm in history was recorded over the United States Midwest — 198,000 square miles. Compare that to the 163,696 square miles that make up present day California, or for people more familiar with the U.S. Northeast, the locust swarm covered the combined area of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont. 1800 miles long and 110 miles wide, the swarm was a little larger than the country of Spain. Compare that to the current locust plague in Africa and the Middle East covering territories of about 37 miles. 

Now, consider this as well: North America and Antarctica are the only continents that do not have locusts. The once devastating Rocky Mountain Locust is now extinct. It disappeared as a result of prayer. Oh, you can find all sorts of theories as to how they went extinct. Some people will go to great lengths to explain that God and prayer aren’t responsible, but while God can work miraculously, He most often uses natural means to work out His will. God answers prayers. 

Consider this as well: God can bring a plague, He can dismiss a plague, and He can protect His people from a plague. I can only imagine how the Israelites felt as the plagues of Egypt passed them by. Did they feel confident of Yahweh’s protection or did they wonder with each successive plague if this time they would also be afflicted. As the first born were taken from the Egyptians, God’s people needed to mark their doorposts so the Angel of Death would pass them by. God was faithful on that first Passover celebration, and His people took shelter under His protection. 

It was at another Passover celebration that Jesus ate His famous last supper with His disciples, and after this dinner, He went to pray in the garden, asking the Father to remove the suffering He was about to endure. Ultimately Jesus surrendered His will to the Father’s, and we now celebrate Good Friday, not because Jesus was crucified but because His sacrifice bought our salvation. If the cost of sin is death, then Jesus paid the fine for all our transgressions on that Good Friday. 

Good Friday this year again occurs during the Jewish Passover Celebration. How will God answer our prayers? Will the Angel of Death pass us by, or will God strengthen us through prayer to endure the trials ahead? Will He cause COVID-19 to disappear and bless the world through the faithfulness of His people? 

Will anyone join with me in the call to pray? Will God’s people throughout the world pray for His love and power to be displayed? 

copyright ©2020 Mitchell Malloy (

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