Power and Freedom

The emperor has no clothes! 

There’s a story I learned in my youth about an emperor who was deceived into buying a robe made of silk so fine that it was imperceptible. In truth, it was nothing, a mere fabrication of real fabric. Yet, believing himself to be wearing a fine and magnificent robe, he paraded down the street until a child remarked: “The emperor has no clothes!” Hearing the utterance the emperor ran back in humiliation. 

I can imagine if this happened in our day and age how the TV pundits would quickly have a spin on the story. And of course, social media would have flurry of opinions over the issue: “The emperor was disgraced by an unruly child!”; “The emperor lost his mind!”; “The parents should be imprisoned!” Meanwhile, many would lose sight of the fact that it took a child to speak the truth that everyone else was too afraid to say. 

“Be nice!” 

Someone might have told that child to be nice. We tell our kids to “be nice” as if it is a virtue, but it is not. Many corporate environments emphasize being nice, and I’ve seen many people who have learned to be unkind while remaining “nice”. “Nice” is a sophisticated way of interacting that can sometimes go hand-in-hand with being mean-spirited, manipulative and hateful. Without loving respect for others, “nice” is a tool to hide our hatefulness while twisting the knife slowly in someone’s back or allowing an unsuspecting target to walk into a maelstrom. 

I can image someone in the emperor's court being very nice, allowing the emperor to make his own decisions, inwardly cringing at the outcome. Or someone less approving of the emperor “nicely” allowing the debacle in anticipation of the ruler’s eminent disgrace. I can also imagine a well-intentioned imperialist foolishly confronting the emperor as being easily deceived. 

But being loving also means being gentle and kind. We should strive to speak the truth in a loving fashion whenever possible. Can you imagine the story of the emperor where a bold and wise confidant spoke the truth in love to his ruler? It may have sounded like this: “My emperor , may I speak with you privately? … You know I have your best interest at heart and I desire for the entire world to honor you as I do. I want you to be seen with the finest things! Yet I have concerns about this robe. Is it so fine that others will perceive you as naked? Or worse, is it all a ruse crafted by a wily charlatan? Could we not test the legitimacy of this material somehow: use it to move something else or test it’s flammability? Understand, I only say this because I value your dignity.” 

The Truth 

2020 is a transition year worldwide. What are we transitioning towards? 

The world economy is struggling amidst fears of a global pandemic. I spoke with some friends from the Middle East who noticed startling similarities in their home country to what is happening in America. There is rioting in the streets with identical tactics to Seattle. With such chaos and unrest across the globe, some are calling for a more powerful global government. 

Why do people gravitate toward a strong, centralized power structure? 

People desire safety and security, looking for something more powerful than themself to provide it. We are wired that way to look to God as our Provider and Protector, yet instead people look toward big government, abdicating freedoms and relinquishing responsibilities to the state. The state was made for individuals not individuals for the state; we created government for a purpose yet find ourselves enslaved by it. How sad that people go so willing into slavery, worshiping the created thing over the Creator! 

Regaining Freedom 

How do we regain our freedom once it has been forfeited? It will be a long and difficult road. It is like getting out of debt or shedding extra pounds of fat: it takes focused dedication and trust in God. “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me” We trust God to bring us through and yet we accept the responsibility to take that first step as well as every subsequent step on the journey. 

Have the myriad changes of this year caused you shutdown or has it awakened something inside you? I pray that we all rise up and awake to the challenge ahead! It will not be easy, but it will be worth it! 

copyright ©2020 Mitchell Malloy (http://mitchellmalloyblogspot.com/) 

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