The Merriest Christmas

I love the Christmas season! For me, it’s always been a time of peace and goodwill, a time for family gatherings and reconnections, a time of giving and joy. It colors every aspect of my life and fills me with an intense appreciation of all that I’ve been given: the relationships, assets, and circumstances. It also fills me with a longing for Eternity, a knowledge that this is not my home and that the treasures of my Christmas are a but a dim reflection of what is currently unseen and the glory that will be revealed. 

There are so many Christmas stories I enjoy: movies, books, and memories. Yet so many of these are a sleight of hand distraction from what Christmas truly is. Some people would rightly point out that many of our Christmas traditions come from pagan practices, and a person could wonder why Christians would have overlaid Saturnalia with a Christian holy day. But consider this: God always has something better for us than what we would choose for ourselves. The joy, peace and goodwill between people at this time of year is a small part of the joy, peace and goodwill between God and mankind. We love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19), and His love overflows from us into the lives of others. 

Consider also that all truth is God’s truth. It doesn’t have to be Scriptural to be true, although we affirm that all Scripture is true, coming from the mouth of God (2 Timothy 3:16). Further consider that truth and love are bound together. We are called to speak the truth in a loving way (Ephsians 4:15), and in doing so we reflect the goodness of God. So, any word that is not both loving and true does not represent God. Rather, it is a partial truth that mimics the accuser of men, Satan, and the father of lies. Adam and Eve listened to the lies and half-truths spoken by that serpent to join in its rebellion against God. Man rebelled, yet God sent prophets as messengers of peace, ultimately sending a special emissary, His Son. (Matthew 21:33-46)

The birth of Jesus was announced by angels, proclaiming God’s desire for peace and His intentions of goodwill toward rebelling men (Luke 2:14). God had a plan for ending the rebellion as foretold 600 years before Christ (Daniel 9:24). God knew in His first coming, Jesus would be rejected (Isaiah 53, Daniel 9), but He would establish a foundation for ending mankind’s rebellion. 

God loved the world this way: He gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life. 

~ John 3:16 (God’s Word Translation) 

So we received a gift that we couldn’t appreciate and that we didn’t deserve. God the Father knew that Jesus was the gift we needed so that we could understand His love and join His family. I have received so many gifts through the years that I didn’t initially appreciate but that I needed, those are the most special, which in humility I look back upon with ever greater appreciation. 

Now I believe the signs of Jesus’ return are coming together. (Matt 24) It’s imperative that we receive Him as King and not remain the rebellious, self-centered people that we’ve been historically. His first coming was a perfect reflection of God’s loving mercy and grace, but the second coming will reflect God’s judgement and wrath for those who are too proud to humbly bow before His authority. The wicked (i.e. - those who remain rebellious) will receive His wrath, and the righteous (i.e. – those who receive His gift of grace) will be rewarded as adopted sons and daughters of the Father. 

So Christmas is a reflection of God’s family, His Kingdom, His love, His joy, His peace, and all the many gifts that He pours out upon those who are willing to humbly embrace His proclamation of Peace and Good Will to All! That family is a loving family, one that always builds up each member, closer than the closest set of friends. When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! 

copyright ©2022 Mitchell Malloy (

Christmas Short Story available for Kindle.

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